The place Ichoda is at a distance of 272 Kms from Hyderabad towards Adilabad on National Highway 7. From Ichoda, you have to drive towards bazarhatnoor, on your way you will cross the villages, Adegaon khurd, Pipri and reach Girnur. After driving for 1 Km from Girnur village, you will see a sign board that indicates you to drive through a dirt road on the left to reach the Kanakadurga temple and waterfalls. You vehicle can go only till here. From the temple, you need to go on foot to reach the beautiful waterfalls. If you want to make it a safe trip, you can stop at Girnur village and hire a guide.
The drive to the temple resembles a way paved to reach paradise. The location brings you in direct contact with luscious grasslands and fields. The place also has a lot of varieties of birds, which are rare find in our busy cities. After walking for somedistance, you will notice a stretch of river flowing down making its path by breaking through the rock formations. You can easily find your way down near water. You may see that the river has still water, this means that the depth of it could be more. At the end of this beautiful and breath taking waterfall, the stream becomes narrow and the surrounding gets shady, covered by overgrown trees on both sides of the banks.
When you stand to face this inviting falls, you will see the beautiful falls with a huge pool of fresh water under it. The sight is just so amazing, as the drizzling water pecks you on your cheek. Such a modern way to welcome guests! When you climb up to get a top view of the falls, you will feel captivated with a panoramic view.
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